Thursday, February 16, 2017

Fireweed & Nettle, for some handspun

I am incredibly interested in herbal things. I like learning the ayurvedic uses of herbs, learning what the herbs mean and how they can be used holistically.

Milla, of The Woman Who Married a Bear and Fireweed & Nettle, set up a way to barter with her. Trade and barter is a way that I love to live. My partner, Ty, & I try to set up barters and trades throughout the summer with the fruits and veggies that we grow and preserve. Trade tomatoes for apricots, jalapenos for huckleberries, etc. 

She was interested in trading her essences and elixirs, her magic, her medicine, with people who could trade their own. Well, as interested as I am in learning how to do those things, I haven't ever made any. I do, however, spin my own yarn. And I spin my own yarn from sheep that are local to me. I go from the very start, a raw fleece, and end up with beautiful skeins of usable yarn. I offered this skill that I have, yarn making, for a couple bottles of her magic and she accepted! I was so incredibly excited that Milla accepted my offer! 

I received a bottle of the "Firelight" Chai Spice Elixir and a bottle of the "Be So Sensitive" flower essence. They are beautiful

Now, I just need to hold up my end of the bargain and send her some yarn! I am so in love with the Shetland lamb fleece that I've been spinning, I really want to send her a skein of that. I also have some Merino, some Coopworth, some BFL, etc already spun up... I just need to pick which ones I want to send to her!

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