Monday, December 5, 2016

Shreds: A Self Designed Circle Shawl

Using my handspun to create a circle shawl has been a goal of mine for a long time. Circle shawls require a lot of yarn! Using handspun and making such a large cozy object is, in my mind, a huge undertaking.

I spun up the Inglenook Fibers Princess Bride sicklebatt set to be a laceweight yarn. It was just a beautiful blend and prep to work with, so I wanted to enjoy it for as long as I possibly could! I used a range of support spindles. Each sicklebatt fit onto its own spindle. It made color management really easy. I kept each color separate from one another, so I ended up with 6 mini skeins.

I entered that yarn into the local fair and it won a special ribbon!

I knew I wanted to turn the yarn into a shawl, but decided that I wanted to turn it into a circle shawl after I spun up a little sample of the Romney that I had begun processing. The colors just blended so very well with one another!

So, then I spent some time processing the Romney into little hand combed bundles of top. I spun the top into singles with my Pocket Wheel. I plied some of the singles. I wasn't really sure what my yardage was like, so when I filled 2 bobbins with 2-ply I decided to wash the yarn and see what my yardage was like. Well, I had plenty of yardage to knit a circle shawl using both the Princess Bride yarn and the Romney!

Now I've gotten through with the very center of the shawl and I'm up to 244 stitches (I think; either that or 288 stitches). I'm using Elizabeth Zimmerman's pi shawl math.

I'm into a color block of the Romney, but I know exactly how I'm going to use the rest of the Princess Bride colors once I'm through this section and it's going to look amazing!

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